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The Word is the Wound one relives again and again
     within many partial existences . . .

What is the genesis of art? Is such genesis ceaselessly unfinished? Does it exist on a borderline between two time-scales? One time-scale is clothed by conventional memory. The other perceives that conventional memory is biased or partial. If such bias or partiality becomes absolute then the innermost, mysterious life of art becomes a fallacy. Sculpture becomes ornament. The Word becomes a fashion, an elegance, a tool, a medium of sophistry. That the life of the imagination has its roots in spaces and elements beyond historical bias or man-made formula or conventional memory is an illumination of a creative fusion of ‘absences’ and ‘presences’.
(unpublished afterword to The Four Banks of the River of Space. First sentences included in ‘Living Absences and Presences’)

Partiality discloses a wholeness one can never seize or capture but which is there, lurking, as it were, in the grain and composition of the narrative, in the challenges it raises; a confession of the partial weight in each image or event or theatre of action may become an obsession in the writing process but it offers as well a re-visionary dynamic or scanning eye (inner ear as well) in the detection of the originality of the unconscious erupting into the subconscious and the conscious . . .
('The Voyaging Imagination')

There are complex flaws in all cultures that led to the breakdown of homogeneous societies on every continent and to the dangers at the heart of the modern world, dangers as well as far-flung, regenerative, cross-cultural possibility. . .
('The Fabric of the Imagination')

The block imprints of history need to be re-opened and scanned within pressures that will otherwise erupt dangerously from the unconscious in nihilistic humanities and technologies.
('The Fabric of the Imagination')

There is no economic solution to the ills of the world until the arts of originality . . . open the partialities and biases of tradition in ways that address the very core of our pre-possessions.
('The Unfinished Genesis of the Imagination')

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