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Gail Jones is one of Australia’s foremost novelists and academics. Originally from Western Australia, she has travelled widely and worked in many countries, and now lives in Sydney.

She is the author of one critical monograph, two collections of stories, as well as ten novels and numerous essays. Her fiction has been translated into many languages and has received major accolades, including the Nita B. Kibble Literary Award (for Black Mirror in 2003, and for Five Bells in 2012) and the Colin Roderick Award (for A Guide to Berlin in 2016). It has also been frequently shortlisted, notably four times for the Miles Franklin Literary Award (for Sixty Lights in 2005, for Dreams of Speaking in 2007, for Sorry in 2008, and for The Death of Noah Glass in 2019). Her latest novels are Our Shadows (2020), Salonika Burning (2022), and One Another (2024).

News and Updates
20 May 2024: About Gail Jones, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources & On the Internet sections updated.

1 August 2023: On the Internet section added. Primary Sources & Secondary Sources sections updated, including Chinese sources, collected and translated into English by Dr Chengcheng Zhang (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China).

24 July 2022: Secondary Sources section updated.

1 July 2022: About Gail Jones section added.

1 March 2022: Bibliography launched. This page will be updated regularly as new material becomes available.

If you know of relevant references that are not listed on this site, you can contact the editor, Valérie-Anne Belleflamme.

Editor: Valérie-Anne Belleflamme.
Page hosted by the University of Liège.
Site Created: 1 March 2022. Latest Update: 20 May 2024.
The design of this website is based on the painting 'The Starry Night' by Vincent van Gogh.